Weekly recap of GTD news and views from around the web
Zen habits E-book (Zen to Done) released. This is on my must read list.
Top 100 Blogger Releases eBook on Getting Things Done
By Darren Rowse
Regular readers of ProBlogger will be familiar with Leo Babauta who has written several guest posts for me on this blog. In fact Leo is a serial guest poster and has consistently produced great content on numerous blogs for some time ...
A review of ZTD + other tips
Book Review: Zen to Done
By Scott Young
Think of it as GTD, formatted to easily fit into your life. Leo's suggestions take the daunting task of becoming organized and productive and break them down into easy, practical steps. If you're still struggling with organization, ...
A good article on getting things done through others
Becoming a Master of Persuasion
Entrepreneur - USA
Management can be defined as "getting things done through others." To be a manager you must be an expert at persuading and influencing others to work in a ...
6 EXCELLENT keys to managing your workday
6 Keys to a Winning Workflow
By Nick
Over the last couple of years, I've spent a lot of time reading and researching techniques others use to establish an effective workflow, or method of getting things done. While there is no "one size fits all" method, I believe everyone ...
Tips on avoiding interruptions
Eliminate interruptions before better concentration
By LauraStack
Interruptions abound—a co-worker drops by to chat, the phone rings, and your boss sends you an email to handle something, pronto—all at the same time. With a flurry of activity, you respond to these various demands. ...
Links to a good GTD mini-series
Three Key GTD Principles, and Three I'd Like to Add
By danstalcup
I am a big fan of David Allen's Getting Things Done productivity system, also known as GTD. The book is commonly referred to as the bible of productivity, and with good reason: many of the principles are so logical and common-sense, ...
A quick overview of GTD for students
Organizing School Work with GTD
By Arjun Muralidharan
I use TaskPaper, because it's flexible and adapts to my whimsical changes I make to the "holy" GTD paradigm as and when I wish. I use iCal and Mail To-Dos for all non-school-subject related items. Did I leave any neat details out?
A cool YouTube video on a book about To-Do Lists ...and YES, I am thinking about ordering the book!
A book about to do lists
By Joan(Joan)
To do lists are one of the centerpieces of any organization system. I like to see what other people do with their to do lists, for example in blogs like To-do list. Sasha Cagen, a true to-do-list-ologist is the writer in charge of To-do ...
Thoughts on maintaining a broad view of what's important on your lists
GTD Meets Parkinson's Law
By telecommatt
Now here's an interesting thought for all of us GTD'ers. The danger of simply creating a list and checking things off as they are completed is that we'll never actually save any time. Unless we focus on completing the project instead of ...
Thoughts on building a better GTD tool
GTD Online - Things To Consider, Things To Do
By John
After my last post about my online gtd system and my first post about how to best implement GTD online, I've had quite a few questions about how I do GTD online. Since I first started looking for a way to organize myself online and move ...
"How I GTD" sharing
My GTD book
By Administrator
This is my GTD book, took me at least an hour to create it with some help. Spending an hour in creating it has actually made me use it. I feel good ol pen and paper is better for implementing GTD especially for lazy bums like me. ...
Looking to meet some GTDers in Columbia, Md
Up for a GTD Meet-up?
By Miss Newburn
I'm looking to meet up with other GTD system users locally. For ideas, support, insights and occasional encouragement. Basically, I want to connect with others for peer-to-peer support. I've been using the system for a little over a ...
Trials and tribulations of a GTDer. Because everyone has a blog these days...
Brief update on GTD/organisation stuff/Gmail
By Stuart
But, further to my various mentions of GTD over the summer, I have been trying to implement a GTD-based system on my PDA using just the in-built apps, and it basically works. My to-do list has context-based categories (@email, @pc, ...
A book on GTD with Outlook. Read the reviews before buying...
Take Back Your Life!: Using Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 to Get ...
Not a good place to start so I tried David Allen's book 'Getting Things Done'. It was a great start and gave me foundation. I then moved on to Sally McGhee's book Take Back Your Life! for Outlook 2003. Awesome! That helped me integrate ...
Some people have waaaaay too much time on their hands...
What David Allen Is Not Getting Done
By Gary Fisk(Gary Fisk)
Wired magazine recently ran a great article on personal productivity guru David Allen. His "Getting Things Done" (GTD) approach to managing work and life is described in the article, as well as his eclectic past history. ...
Outlook add-in for managing your e-mail
E-Mail Overload? ClearContext Promises Help
PC World - USA
... he described as similar to, but less detailed and restrictive than, productivity regimens such as those of Getting Things Done or Franklin Covey Co. ...
GTD software for your BlackBerry
BBTask PRO! Simplifies BlackBerry® Task Management
Emediawire (press release) - Ferndale,WA,USA
BBTask PRO! also provides Quick Cat ,which expedites category access, while supporting Getting Things Done (GTD) methodology. "Many of our customers have ...
GTD on your iPhone
To-do List Management on the iPhone
By John Wilger(John Wilger)
I've been a fan of trying to do something along the lines of GTD for a while now, but the missing link has always been a convenient way to keep the "to-do" lists with me on the go. I tried using good old fashion pen and paper, ...