Friday, November 16, 2007

Internet Explorer Shortcut Keys

There are just a few keyboard shortcuts I use in Internet Explorer religiously.  Those include:

CTRL-ENTER: This is my favorite.  When typing in the URL of a website, you can skip the "www" and the ".com".  For example, in the address box, enter google, then CTRL-ENTER and low and behold, the address turns into

CTRL-F: Find on the page.  Looking for a specific word, use CTRL-F.

CTRL-N: opens a new Internet Explorer Window.

ALT-LeftArrow & ALT-RightArrow: Simulates the Explorer Back and Forward button.  Quite handy.

Microsoft includes a number of other Internet Explorer keyboard shortcuts, but I can never seem to remember them.  Maybe you can.  Here is the complete list.

To do this                                Press this key

Display Internet Explorer Help or to      F1
display context Help about an item in
a dialog box

Toggle between full-screen and other      F11
views in the browser

Move forward through the items on a       TAB
Web page, the Address box, or the
Links box

Move through the items on a Web page,     SHIFT+TAB
the Address box, or the Links box

Go to your Home page                      ALT+HOME

Go to the next page                       ALT+RIGHT ARROW

Go to the previous page                   ALT+LEFT ARROW or BACKSPACE

Display a shortcut menu for a link        SHIFT+F10

Move forward between frames               CTRL+TAB or F6

Move back between frames                  SHIFT+CTRL+TAB

Scroll toward the beginning of a          UP ARROW

Scroll toward the end of a document       DOWN ARROW

Scroll toward the beginning of a          PAGE UP
document in larger increments

Scroll toward the end of a document       PAGE DOWN
in larger increments

Move to the beginning of a document       HOME

Move to the end of a document             END

Find on this page                         CTRL+F

Refresh the current Web page              F5 or CTRL+R

Refresh the current Web page, even if     CTRL+F5
the time stamp for the Web version and
your locally stored version are the same 

Stop downloading a page                   ESC

Go to a new location                      CTRL+O or CTRL+L

Open a new window                         CTRL+N

Close the current window                  CTRL+W

Save the current page                     CTRL+S

Print the current page or active frame    CTRL+P

Activate a selected link                  ENTER

Open the Search box                       CTRL+E

Open the Favorites box                    CTRL+I

Open the History box                      CTRL+H

In the History or Favorites boxes,        CTRL+click
open multiple folders

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