Sunday, November 25, 2007

GTD Digest 2007-11-23

Weekly recap of GTD news and views from around the web

Great tips on tuning Outlook for GTD
Using GTD and Outlook to Organize Projects & Tasks for a Small ...
By Josh Fialkoff
"Getting Things Done," By David Allen As the project manager for a small company, one of my biggest responsibilities is to make sure projects are on track and that clients are satisfied with our work. I wrote a three-part blog post on ...

3 things GTD has done for Craig...I cannot agree more!
Thanksgiving For GTD (GTD Tuesday)
By Craig Huggart
David Allen talks about the concept of having a "mind like water". That means that we start from a place of peace and respond to situations throughout the day with just the right amount of energy. It's a good definition of "rest". ...
Tips for reviewing your to-do lists
Time Management #7: Review Your Commitments
By Mark McGuinness
In his book Getting Things Done, David Allen suggests that you review your to-do lists as often as you need to in order to feel on top of things. I do a mini-review every morning when I look through my e-mails and other in-trays (from ...
Refining your next action to-do lists
Getting Things Done: A Guide To Next-Action Lists
By reamsnqaez(reamsnqaez)
Getting Things Done (GTD), is a productivity methodology designed by David Allen. GTD increases your productivity by getting things out of your mind, and into a reliable system that you can trust. This frees your mind to work on the ...

Interesting read. Good tips...
A conversation with Sally McGhee, productivity pioneer and author ...
By Matthew Cornell(Matthew Cornell)
And her experience and knowledge in the field go back twenty years - she was a partner in a company with David Allen, where she helped formulate the essential ideas of modern productivity practices like GTD (which she's taken in ...
An new GTD app under development
Taskmate, the perfect GTD tool ... to be released really soon
By Sven
"For the most part, the applications that are specifically designed for project organizing are way too complex, with too much horsepower to really be functional for 98 percent of what most people need to manage." — David Allen ...
Links to Merlin Mann's ( video on INBOX ZERO. If you haven't see it, you should
"Inbox Zero" Video Presentation
By jeremy
A lot of the content on the site is geared towards Getting Things Done, an action management method of The David Allen Company, and the title of the book which describes the method by David Allen. On July 23rd, Mann gave a Tech Talk ...
A review of some low-tech GTD gear
Cool Gear: GTD® System folders & Zip Pouch
By Eric Mack
The day before I left for Manila, I received a care package from Liz Harward, product manager at The David Allen Company. Inside, was a bunch of goodies for me to evaluate. I'm particularly excited about the new GTD® System file folders ...
Another Merlin Mann video
Merlin Mann's productivity talk at IDEO
By Cory Doctorow
Merlin Mann and David Allen podcast Merlin Mann of 43 Folders interview Boing Boing Boing podcast 008: Merlin Mann Merlin Mann's decluttering roundup Merlin's tips and tricks How to filter out press releases from your email ...
A view of how Marc has implemented GTD - MindMap view. I love the @Braindead category. This is one I need to implement!
My Mindjet Customer Vignette - GTD and Mindmapping
By Marc
I've long been a fan of both Mindjet MindManager and Getting Things Done of course – in fact, I first encountered both when I began working at VanDyke Software back in 2001. Over the years, both have had a big impact on how I tackle the ...
Ian reviews a number of GTD apps for the MAC
Comparing GTD task managers
By Ian Beck
Which Getting Things Done application to use has been on my mind lately, thanks in large part to the public release of OmniFocus which was closely followed by the iGTD 2 previews and my own Things screencast. With so many good-looking ...

A quick review of GTD cell phones
GTD Insight #9: Productivity and Cell Phones
By Mike
Staying productive on the go is a prime GTD principle and the use of cell phones is another arrow in the quiver. As my own contract is up in less than a month, I've been gearing up for another round of smartphone study. ...
Quick review of 3 GTD apps for the MAC
Getting Things Done Application Roundup
By Jason
Getting Things Done offers a way of organizing your life through the use of projects and contexts. Think of it as an improved version of the to-do list. If you're interested in improving your productivity and reducing stress, ...

Free GTD App for the MAC
Check Off: Get Things Done Faster
MacApper - Toronto,Ontario,Canada
This GTD program's export features are really nice. From the application, you can export to a few different formats. Two include RTF and HTML. ...

Another GTD App for the MAC
OmniFocus GTD app goes into public beta
By Tim Gaden
GTD Old-timers will immediately recognise OmniFocus's roots in KinklessGTD , Ethan Schoonover's collection of applescripts for Getting Things Done with OmniGroup's OmniOutliner. (Ethan has been a key colloborator on the poject and is ...

A review of another GTD App for the MAC (must be MAC app week!)
Get Things Done; Things First Looks
By admin
Getting Things Done™ (commonly abbreviated as GTD) is an action management method of The David Allen Company, and the title of the book which describes the method by David Allen.[1] GTD rests on the principle that a person needs to move ...

No Turn-By-Turn Voice Navigation on my iPhone 4!

A friend of mine gave me a ride home recently.   We were not sure how to get from Point A to Point B so he fired up his iPhone 4S Maps App...