When I get a new e-mail, I always follow the 2 minute rule. That is, if it takes longer that 2 minutes to action the e-mail (read it thoroughly, respond to it, do what it tells me to do, delegate it to someone else, etc), I defer it. For messages that I know will take longer than 2 minutes to address, I typically know what the next action will be.
First, I open the e-mail and change the Subject Line to reflect the Next Action. It does not look like Outlook will allow you to change the Subject Line of a newly received message, but you can. Simply place the cursor next to the word "Subject:" and type away. For the new Subject Line, I prefer the syntax <ACTION: This is the Next Action>. This helps make the Next Action stand out for me.
Next, I move the e-mail to a folder called @Review & Action. This is the folder I use to hold pending tasks.
When it's time for me to address open tasks, I simply open my @Review & Action folder and I quickly know what I need to do for each e-mail contained in that folder.
1 comment:
I got around 20-30 emails a day.
If its need more than 2", usually I will:
- If required, update subject with more descriptive keywords (easy & faster search). I try not to change original subject, so I put "//" follow by some keyword (sample: "Invoice 12345 // Project XYZ").
- Update my GTD list in excel (e.g. "pay invoice 12345 (project XYZ)"). "Project XYZ" is the keyword that I put in email subject as well).
- Categorize the mail. So basically I archive my mail & continue with my GTD, email will be use when needed. I create shortcut (alt+G) to open categorized window.
I use category rather then folder (follow Gmail label concept since last year), so I put my mail in one folder. I keep my categories simple (25 categories now). I keep my uncategorised mail as little as possible ? consider as email cleansing process.
Somehow I found by putting all email in one folder, I can find emails a lot faster by using FILTER (use it a lot!), rather then using ADVANCE-FIND. Beside with filter I can then use reading-pane (convenience). I create shortcut to open filtering dialog box.
I create custom toolbar to switch inbox view between sort by category & sort by date (one click away).
If I need to archive, I try to remove the attachment as much as possible as well.
If needed save attachment in the folder (later on can be searched with file indexing tool).
Put file attachment name in the mail, then remove the file. At least I know if there is an attachment before. I create small macro with AUTOHOTKEY to automate (another shortcut).
So I don't use my inbox as task list (except less then 2").
Archive it (only if needed) ? in one folder, with descriptive subject (faster filter). Categorise it. Remove attachment.
Or … delete the email!
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