Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Berkun on Public Speaking


A few weeks ago I participated in a great webcast by Scott Berkun on Public Speaking.  Scott provided an insightful view into his adventures as a public speaker along with advice and tips on how you can improve your public speaking skills.  I thought this was a pretty good webcast for anyone that is looking to improve how they deal with talking in front of crowds.  To give you an idea of what to expect from Scott - After a brief opening, Scott jumped into his presentation.  The title for the topics he intends to cover is “6 reasons for suckage”.  Gotta love that title!  This speaks to Scott’s easy going style.


You can view a recorded version of the webcast on OReilly Media’s Website (the book publishing people).

Scott’s real life stories and easy going style make him a great teacher for those who may want a few tips on speaking in front of a small group in a meeting setting ,or presenting to larger groups with hundreds of audience members.


In addition, Scott’s latest book is called Confessions of a Public Speaker.  I would highly recommend reading it.  Good stuff.

Berkun Photo on top, credit to: James Duncan Davidson

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