Sunday, January 20, 2008

GTD Digest 2008-01-20

Weekly recap of GTD highlights (news, views, tips and tricks) from around the web

Time To Get Organized
Hartford Business - USA
Productivity guru David Allen, author of “Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity,” says we need to get organized so we can do what we need ...

Five Steps to Get Back on the GTD Track
By Al at 7P
You took David Allen’s system, tweaked it to suit your style, and you’re functioning like a well-oiled machine. Sooner or later, it’ll hit you. You hit a snag, a roadblock, something that disrupts your workflow. ...

ThinkingRock - Desktop GTD
By Daniel
When it comes to GTD I’m pretty picky about what I use. I do enjoy the simplicity of online applications like Simple GTD, but if I have a lot of very elaborate projects I need much more power. There are online solutions, but the great ...

How to manage older employees
New Vision - Kampala,Uganda
Build a reputation of keeping and getting things done on time. This will be passed on to your subordinates. There is nothing as annoying as a manager who ...

Simply GTD with Kelly: How much do you value your attention?
By (Kelly)
I was doing a class recently and suggested to the group, as I often do, to resist the urge to 'reply to all' on emails. In my opinion, that's one of those seemingly innocent things that is a huge contributor to email volume. ...

How I Solved the Problem of Collecting Tasks!
By Andrew Mason
One of the major improvements in my life since starting following the Getting Things Done Methodology, is the reduction of Open Loops. As we all know, Open Loops are those tasks floating around in the ether, that we should be doing, ...

Simply GTD with Kelly: Balancing proactive vs. reactive
By (Kelly)
Someone recently asked me, "How do you manage your day so that you are proactive versus reactive? I assume you have lots of people/projects pulling for your time â€" how do you stay focused?" Here was my response: ...

Time management for creative people
By George Ambler
No, it’s not an ancient Zen text – these words are lifted from David Allen’s best-selling book on productivity, Getting Things Done. When I read this section of the book, I grasped the true value of having a system for managing your ...

Implementing Inbox Zero
By Simeon Simeonov
After some research following the comments I received about email management, I decided to implement Inbox Zero, which is based on David Allen’s Getting Things Done. The first step was to start with success. I created a folder called ...

Review: Remember the Milk
For fans of David Allen’s Getting Things Done methodology, implementation in Remember the Milk is pretty simple. Create a separate list for each project and add the actions to it. The tagging feature allows you to add the contexts like ...

How To Take Back Your Time And Attention
InformationWeek - Manhasset,NY,USA
Unlike other self-help programs, which try to make you more spiritually evolved, or change your entire focus on life, GTD's goals are more modest: It's a ...

Work, Play and Sleep - Finding The Balance
By Ritu
Finding applicable GTD tips and following up with good execution is what is going to get things done. Nothing is more discouraging than trying a tip and failing to live by it. You revert back to your old habits. ...

GTD: The weekly review
By Rebecca
In Getting Things Done David Allen suggests doing your weekly review on friday afternoon. A lot of other people have suggested the same thing (such as the blog post above) and frankly I've tried. But I have concluded that friday ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi - I wanted to say "thanks" for including my article on this list. You have a great list of articles here as well!

No Turn-By-Turn Voice Navigation on my iPhone 4!

A friend of mine gave me a ride home recently.   We were not sure how to get from Point A to Point B so he fired up his iPhone 4S Maps App...