Saturday, December 8, 2007

GTD Digest 2007-12-08

Weekly recap of GTD highlights (news, views, tips and tricks) from around the web


Get out of your meeting---make your cell phone ring
By LauraStack
This is hysterical. Have you ever been sitting in a boring meeting, wishing you had a reason to excuse yourself? Or on a disasterous blind date, looking for an escape? Before a potentially draining engagement, visit ...

The Search for My Ideal GTD App
By Dustin Wax
What features are you looking for in a GTD app? What services do you use, and what would you change to make them suit your needs better? Is there a great out-of-the-box service out there that I'm missing? If you could design your own ...

Manage Outlook in a GTD-Friendly Sidebar with Trog Bar [Featured ...
By Kevin Purdy
Windows only: Free sidebar application Trog Bar keeps your email, tasks and calendar items within quick reach and organizes them into a personal favorite productivity system, be it Getting Things Done, Total Workday Control or most ...

Goal Management: The Art of Getting Things Done
By David B. Bohl
I think most of the time there is too much focus on "efficiency" and "getting things done." My problem is not usually in getting a certain number of things done. I can get fifty things done in one day if I try hard enough. ...

Getting things done: lacking discipline?
By Tyme
Getting things done is an easy concept but not easy to do. I found that the things I have to deal with fall into multiple categories:. Things I want to do that need to get done. Things I don't want to do yet need to get done. ...

Simply GTD with Kelly: Digging out from an email landfill
By (Kelly)
I just got back from a week of being on vacation and had 1155 new emails waiting for me. I told my sister this and she gasped and said, "If I got to work and had that many emails I would just turn around and go back home!" ...

Time Management #8: Resources
By Mark McGuinness
My GTD bookmark is where I bookmark any web pages I find with useful material about time and workflow management. ('GTD' stands for 'Getting Things Done'.) If you subscribe to the RSS feed for this bookmark then you'll ...

Delegating your way to success
Economic Times - Gurgaon,Haryana,India
Accept that in today's interdependent world, there is a shared responsibility for getting things done. It's not all down to you! ...

How to avoid being overwhelmed (GTD Tuesday)
By Craig Huggart
One of the wonderful things about Getting Things Done is that it helps you see how much you are really doing and have to do. In addition, it helps you keep your life in balance. Recently I read a great post over at Zen Habits that ...

GTD Cafe: How More GTD = More Salary
By thedailysaint
If David Allen has taught us anything, it's to be prepared for the items that come your way. Handle them well and good things will follow:. If you want to catch fish, and really enjoy the sport, you will maintain your lures and line in ...

Getting Things Done and Hating It: Productivity Paranoia
By Aaron at FullTiltBlogging
productivity.jpg. Do you suffer from productivity paranoia? For the uninitiated, productivity paranoia is the irrational fear of not using your time to the fullest. Those who suffer from PP spend their time anxious over what they didn't ...

Stepping Into GTD: Part 3- File This!
By dnaphil
This is the third in a series of articles designed to look at how to ease into the GTD system, using some simple tools and the essence of the GTD method. Last week I discussed how to Process your inputs, so that you could quickly make ...

how i get things done
By burnshead(burnshead)
There is a productivity philosophy called GTD, or "Getting Things Done". Lifehacker is particularly fond of this philosphy. The core concept is this: We have thoughts all day long of things that we need to do but we can't possibly ...

The GTD Setup for December 2007
By Stephen
It is, of course, time to update my "Killer GTD Setup" post to reflect 11 months of learning, practicing, working and tweaking. Some things have changed quite a bit, others have stayed the same. So let's get started! ...

Focus on Actions to Get More Done in Less Time
... but then no actions come out as a result of that. By ruthlessly focusing on actions, you can do more without wasting time. Here's how. (Note: credit is due to David Allen's Getting Things Done for inspiration for the following.) ...

Michael Dolan: Getting the Water Just Right: The Someday Maybe List
By (mdolan)
I've noticed a broad theme about GTD both in my own practice and in the coaching I provide to others: Keeping your GTD system healthy is all about recalibration. In my own approach, I notice that it helps to always keep one eye on ...

Simply GTD with Kelly: No system is still work
By (Kelly)
One of the perplexing things I run across in presenting GTD classes is people who want to defend their lack of system as taking less time and effort than the "work" it would take to maintain a system (GTD or otherwise). ...

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No Turn-By-Turn Voice Navigation on my iPhone 4!

A friend of mine gave me a ride home recently.   We were not sure how to get from Point A to Point B so he fired up his iPhone 4S Maps App...