Sunday, October 28, 2007

GTD Digest 2007-10-28

Weekly recap of GTD news and views from around the web

Kelly Forrister talks about over engineering your GTD system. I have been a victim of my own over engineering. Good post.
Simply GTD with Kelly: Matching Brain Toast
By (Kelly)
One of the temptations when starting with GTD is to over-engineer it. I see it all of the time. The more creative people are, the more they want to create a sophisticated system for their lists with lots of bells, whistles, ...

Matt offers up some excellent strategies for dealing with e-mail.
Got the email blues? Only three things you can do: Get fewer, Get ...
By Matthew Cornell(Matthew Cornell)
My main recommendation is to learn and apply a methodology like Getting Things Done. I've found these types of approaches are the most effective way to rapidly process your inbox. You learn to be decisive, spend two minutes or less per ...

I am a big fan of articles that talk about how others have implemented GTD. This is a good article with a tip or trick that you might find useful.
Getting Over GTD
By Chrissy
For those of you who don't know, GTD stands for Getting Things Done . It'sa book (and an entire system) about productivity and organization by David Allen. If you are at all "into" the blogosphere, you most likely understand that GTD ...

Kelly talks about finding time for your weekly review
Simply GTD with Kelly: The belt that keeps the pants up
By (Kelly)
For as hard as travel can be--I log about 100000+ air miles per year--there is one huge benefit: I get long stretches of uninterrupted time to get my system clean & current. I relish a cross-country trip where I don't have any new input ...

An "oldie, but goodie" YouTube video with David Allen talking about GTD. This blog is run by a "Missionary Geek". This pretty much confirms for me that GTD can apply to anyone in any profession!
Getting Things Done Intro video
By Jeff(Jeff)
David Allen is the creator of the "Getting Things Done" productivity model. If you're still struggling with how to organize your stuff this five minute video will give you an taste of what the GTD methodology looks like.

A good quick article on GTD for Educators. Links to other GTD+Teacher resources.
GTD Cafe: 3 Activities to Keep You Grounded as a Teacher
By Mike
I walk the halls several times a day in order to get out of the office but also to connect with other people. As an administrator, I now walk the halls to also catch the pulse of the school on a given day. Resources for the Road GTD for ...

Strategies for avoiding distractions. Good post.
How to work around distractions
Hartford Business - USA
Simply by having a space that mostly focuses on getting things done will also subtly remind others that you're on the job to work. ...

A collections of 11 Outlook shortcut keys
11 Best Keyboard Shortcuts for Outlook 2007
By Bill Bullock
With so many things going on in Outlook at any given time, those in the "Getting Things Done" (GTD) ultra-high-productivity camp probably think that keeping everything straight and minimizing mouse navigation is a nightmare in Outlook.

Good quick read on why you should not be "reactive versus proactive"... and, yes, it ties in an emergency appendectomy.
What Emergency Appendectomy Taught Me About GTD
By Al
This week’s post was supposed to be a description of how I completed my iterative initiation to GTD by putting my home stuff through the GTD workflow. However, I spent much of last week recovering from surgery on my ruptured appendix ...

Geeks Guide to GTD moves their blog to a new URL. Pretty good blog...

Moved The Blog To A Super Cool New Location
By UberTech
We have moved over here…so please stop by and join the big fun. shalom.

An overview of using to GTD.

Gubbing Things Done
IT Management - Darien,CT,USA
And you've almost certainly heard about David Allen's "Getting Things Done" productivity system. The Gubb service, the Getting Things Done system and ...

A review of Gubb along with some practical tips. I'm going to have to check Gubb out.
Gubbing Things Done - USA
By Mike Elgan Gubbing Things Done Why Gubb is the ultimate "Getting Things Done" productivity tool If you're into personal productivity, you've probably ...

The top 100 business blogs

The Top 100 Business Blogs
By John
... Successful Blog T: 1432 A: 44935; Small Business Canada T: 1517 A: N/A; David Allen, Getting Things Done T: 1549 A: 53592; Springwise T: 1913 A: 23858; Small Biz Trends T: 2155 A: 63364; Fast Company T: 2310 A: 12141 ...

An example of how to manager project lists. I love hearing how other are using GTD.
The GTD Projects List
By Shannon
Over the past few months, I have been experimenting with David Allen's Getting Things Done system to help me manage my work and personal projects. I have to admit, I have streamlined the system quite a bit. If followed exactly, GTD is ...

A review of "Jot it, the desktop write-board". Not sure I would find use for something like this. Pretty but useless?
GTD with Style
By Lisa M. Hendey
My Jot It has been sitting adjacent to my computer for the last ten days and has become a regular part of my GTD system.  Here's a blueprint of the product:  your Jot It is a desktop write board which comes bundled ...

Even I am not technical enough to tell you what "mutt" is...

Getting things done with mutt
ZDNetIndia - Mumbai,Maharashtra,India
The GTD methodology can be used in many different areas and has been built upon to include concepts such as "Inbox Zero," lifehacks, and more. ...

Morphing GTD with the 4 hour work week. I'm not convinced, but semi-interesting none-the-less.
GTD (Getting Things Done) Is Flawed
By Rob
That means that I've read David Allen's book, Getting Things Done and I've put his time management system to use. Explaining the GTD method is beyond the scope of this article, but to give you a picture it goes something like this... ...

Trials and tribulations from someone looking for that "silver bullet" software app for GTD

getting things done, round 5
By wlai
years ago i read getting things done by david allen (gtd), and found it incredibly simple and sensible. since then i've tried many tools to maintain my gtd habit. i've tried: 1. microsoft one note. pro: freeform editing allows quick ...

GTD App for the Mac

TaskPaper 1.0: Simplify Your GTD Setup
By Marvin Sum
TaskPaper is a GTD app that we’ve been keeping tabs on. It’s not just another GTD app; it’s getting things done at its simplest level. What makes this app so unique is that your entire to-do list is stored as a plain text file. ...

Quick overview of a few GTD Mac apps
Can Getting Things Done Be Too Easy On A Mac?
As long time Mac users, we love those indispensable little Mac utilities that become a daily part of the digital life. After all, we use our Macs to get things done, to manage tasks and projects, and to communicate with the rest of the ...

An overview of GTDing with Task Paper
Minireview: Getting things done with TaskPaper 1.0
Ars Technica - Boston,MA,USA
His latest application, TaskPaper, a GTD (Get Things Done) task list, similarly concentrates on doing one thing well. Before you say "OmniFocus," Jesse ...

Details on a Mac app called TaskPaper
Getting Things Done with TaskPaper
Blognation - London,England,UK
Long-time readers know that I have been honing my Getting Things Done (GTD) skills for many years and have been a vocal proponent of David Allen's common ...

Another review of Taskpaper. A new Mac app for GTDing.
TaskPaper 1.0, a review - Santa Monica,CA,USA
Good thing there is a whole cottage industry developing around the concept of "Getting Things Done." The idea behind GTD (as the Getting Things Done wonks ...

1 comment:

Matthew Cornell said...

Wow, what a great list. And thanks very much for the link!

No Turn-By-Turn Voice Navigation on my iPhone 4!

A friend of mine gave me a ride home recently.   We were not sure how to get from Point A to Point B so he fired up his iPhone 4S Maps App...