Thursday, October 25, 2012

AutoIt – A free Windows Scripting Utility

AutoIt is a very cool, and free, Windows scripting application.  You can automate just about any Windows tasks with just a few simple commands.  AutoIt has the ability to compile your scripts into an EXE that can be distributed to others.

Here are a few AutoIt example scripts that I have created.

- A very simple script to Kill all Excel sessions

- Another relatively simple script that waits for specific windows to pop up and send the “enter” key.
While 1 = 1

          if WinWaitActive("Expand options","",1) <> 0 then
                   Send ("{ENTER}")

          if WinWaitActive("SAP BusinessObjects","",1) <> 0 then
                   Send ("{ENTER}")

          if WinWaitActive("Refresh schedule results","",1) <> 0 then
                   Send ("{ENTER}")

Sleep(1000) ;1 second

These are just a few simple examples.  You can create far more sophisticated scripts with AutoIt.  I find it incredibly handy for quick and dirty automated tasks.  Highly recommended – and free! 

No Turn-By-Turn Voice Navigation on my iPhone 4!

A friend of mine gave me a ride home recently.   We were not sure how to get from Point A to Point B so he fired up his iPhone 4S Maps App...