Friday, June 20, 2008

Displaying Two Time Zones in Outlook

Recently, I have needed to schedule meetings in Outlook with colleagues in the UK.  Albeit a simple 6 hour time difference, I am a bit time-math challenged and prefer a visual representation of the time difference when scheduling meetings.  Microsoft Outlook has a feature for this.

To display 2 time zones on your Outlook calendar, follow these steps.

1. In Outlook, select your Calendar.  Next, right click the on the bar that represents the hour and select Change Time Zone.


2. Check the box to Show an Additional Time Zone, give it a Label (name) and select the Time Zone.


That's it!  Now, you will see 2 time zones when you view your Outlook calendar.


Thursday, June 19, 2008

How to deal with dog pee on a carpet

From the Household-Hack department, today we will discuss how to best deal with dog pee on a carpet.  For those with dogs, you know what a drag it is when your dog pee's on the carpet.  My family has two dogs that do this from time to time.  I swear those dogs are lucky that they are still alive.  If you are like me or my wife, you want to strangle your dog when you discover that he/she has pee'd in the house.  Then again, we pet owners tend to forgive and forget pretty quickly; thus two dogs continue to roam my house (and occasionally pee in the house).

With that, we've discovered another great use for Hydrogen Peroxide.  Yes, the same miracle medicine I prescribe for the common cold.  Used correctly, Hydrogen Peroxide can be used to rid your carpet of doggie-accident stains!

Here is how;

Step 1: Lightly soak up the pee with a (or several) paper towel(s).

Step 2: Liberally pour some Hydrogen Peroxide on the pee stain (HP is only $1 for a 32 oz. bottle; don't be shy with it!).  Let it settle for a few minutes.

Step 3: Dab up the mess with a few more paper towels.

The mess is gone and with a little luck, no stains in the carpet.  This trick has worked better than any over-the-counter solution for my wife and I.

Got a better trick for dealing with dog pee?  Leave a comment and share it!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Total, Relaxed Organization

A while back I wrote about a nicely put together list comparing 100+ GTD software titles.  The list is maintained by a company called Priacta.  I had never worked with Priacta so I asked the readers of this blog if they had any experience with this company.  The feedback was phenomenal.  I received a number of e-mails and blog comments using words like "highly recommended", "invaluable", and "life changing".  Click here to read the comments that were made on the original blog post.

Needless to say, my interest in Priacta was piqued.  So what does Priacta do?  Here is what their website has to say;

Priacta, Inc., is located in Richmond, Virginia. We are time management experts in the business of disruptive innovation. This is just a fancy way of saying that we produce radically new, dramatically effective software and time management systems to revolutionize the way the world works.

Shortly after my blog post about the Priacta software list, Kevin Crenshaw from Priacta offered me a copy of their "Coach Assisted Self Training System" to try out.  The Priacta Coach Assisted Self Training System included;

  • The TRO Field Guide self training system (printed manual and/or instant download)
  • The Trog Bar software
  • 21 days of telephone based coach follow-up & accountability

Although I did not take advantage of the 21 days of telephone coaching, I did spend some quality time with the TRO Field Guide and the Trog Bar.  The TRO (Total, Relaxed Organization) system is based on David Allen's book, Getting Things Done.  Whereas David's book focuses on the principals of GTD, the Priacta TRO system walks you step-by-step through implementing GTD. 

It all starts with the TRO Field Guide.  The TRO Field Guide is a self paced training manual.  You don't need any background in GTD (or have even read David Allen's book) to follow the TRO Field Guide.  It starts with the basics of how the training system works, why you would want to implement the TRO system, and the principles of GTD.  Next, the training manual provides 18 "bite sized" chapters showing you why and how to implement GTD using the TRO system.  The chapters are small and easy to follow.  For the GTD newbie, this approach is invaluable.   The cool thing about Priacta's approach is that they show you how to implement  GTD, not just present the GTD concepts.    

I have talked with many people who have either read "Getting Things Done" or have taken GTD training and have not been able to implement a sustainable system following the GTD principals.  The Priacta system and approach would be perfect for those people!

I did mess a bit with the Priacta Trog Bar software.  The Trog Bar is a neat piece of software that helps organize things.  The Trog Bar works in conjunction with Microsoft Outlook.  My favorite feature is something called "Task Sense".  Using "Task Sense", the Trog Bar makes recommendations on the best task to work on next.  The TRO Field Guide show many examples using the Trog Bar to manage your time and tasks.

Overall, I'm impressed with Priacta's Total Relaxed Organization approach to time and task management training.  I would recommend it to anyone new to GTD or anyone who has tried GTD but "fallen off the wagon".  The step-by-step approach with real examples, is an excellent way to get your arms around the GTD concepts and implement a system that will bring you closer to becoming a productivity ninja.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

GTD Digest 2008-06-08

Weekly recap of GTD highlights (news, views, tips and tricks) from around the web

[11 Entries]

GTD madness for iPhone
By Andy J. S.(Andy J. S.)
Alright, I’m sure most of you have already known what GTD is. If not, then please head to my previous post here at PalmAddict to get more links about it. Now while I’ve mentioned about my last post about GTD, I’m going to discuss two ...

Multi-tasking leads to inefficiency
New Vision - Kampala,Uganda
“Too many people are obsessed with the idea of getting things done. They think their stature rises by doing multiple tasks. It doesn’t. ...

5 Things That Changed My Life, and Could Change Yours
By Nirav
And then I found David Allen’s Getting Things Done - The Art of Stress-Free Productivity. The trick is to get it out of your head and into a trusted system that you can use whenever you need to. It is only when your mind is clear and ...

Getting Things Done: The Aftermath
By daviddaly
Back in March I posted a review of David Allen’s renowned book Getting Things Done. I vowed back then to embrace the entire GTD methodology and write another post on how I got on. So has it allowed me to achieve more in less time with ...

Vakil Housing-the first Company in India to be trained in GTD.
By mavakil
Would like more information on what’s GTD? GTD stands for Getting Things Done. It’s compiled by this genius of a guy, David Allen, who’s authored a book by the same name. Here’sa modified excerpt from my an earlier Blog Post of mine, ...

Episode 9: David Allen Can Make Time Disappear
By Duff McDuffee
On this episode, host Duff McDuffee and Executive Producer Ryan Oelke talk with David Allen, author of Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity about handling mechanical things mechanically, so that you can free your ...

4 Tips for Juggling Multiple Projects
WebWorkerDaily - San Francisco,CA,USA
I’ve found it useful to exercise a modified GTD here: know the next major action and the next deadline for each project (something like “Deliver layout ...

The Irony of Trying to Read Getting Things Done
By Nut
Getting Things Done. Having heard so much about this book (mostly from Trent over at The Simple Dollar), I decided I just had to check it out. Especially since I’ve been feeling low on time and like I’m neglecting my fiction. ...

How I Keep My Inbox Empty
By alexisneely
Others say to combine Inbox Zero with Getting Things Done. Have you ever picked up Getting Things Done? It would take me 3 years to comb through it. I needed a quicker fix. I scanned the Inbox Zero emails and set out to figure out ...

Simply GTD with Kelly: GTD & personality types
By (Kelly)
While GTD may not be for everyone, I think there's something it in for anyone. In fact, it's often fascinating to see the range of people who are attracted to GTD. In any given month I can be doing GTD classes for Baptist camp directors ...

GTD & Present-moment Awareness I’ma fan of Eckhart Tolle. He’s ...
By Mohammed Ali
This is what I love of about GTD! It’s not so much about Getting Things Done, as much as it is about the art of being focused with the activity that is being performed. I define GTD is a methodology of dealing with work that enhances ...

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Best Buy Tests Free Technology Recycling

image Best Buy is testing a new technology recycling program in 117 of it's US stores.

  • Participating stores will accept a variety of electronic devices for recycling, free of charge.
  • Consumers can bring in a maximum of 2 items per day; including computer monitors, computer processors, cameras, phones, and televisions up to 32 inches.
  • Large appliances will not be accepted.  This includes air conditioners, microwave ovens, console televisions, and other large appliances.

Best Buy will work with it's recycling partners and supplier to evaluate this test before rolling it out to the 1,300 Best Buy stores located in the US, Canada and China.

For more details see;

Related Recycling Posts from My GTD Stuff;

Sunday, June 1, 2008

GTD Digest 2008-06-01

Weekly recap of GTD highlights (news, views, tips and tricks) from around the web

[9 Entries]

The Secret To Success
Huffington Post - New York,NY,USA
Getting organized (a la David Allen) won't in itself solve the bigger issues and creative challenges that we all face from time to time. ...

The Perfect Productivity System
WebWorkerDaily - San Francisco,CA,USA
There’s David Allen’s Getting Things Done, Steven Covey’s 7 Habits, and, more recently, Leo Babauta’s Zen to Done. You don’t have to buy all the books, ...

Getting Things Done
By admin
Hope everyone had a good memorial day, refreshed and ready to go for the week. I have been thinking on the area of productivity. I have talked about some of these before but I wanted to give some ways that I have learned to help me stay ...

The New Coke Lesson
By GTD Wannabe
Readers who have been around for a while might recall that I’ma big EverNote fan (note the capital N). You may be wondering why I haven’t blogged about the new Evernote (note the little n) 3 beta here… ...

Episode 8: Getting Things Done 201, with David Allen
By Duff McDuffee
On this episode, host Duff McDuffee and Executive Producer Ryan Oelke talk with David Allen, author of Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity about learning the martial art of knowledge work. ...

How To Live The Good Life
By Marc
There is a big difference between getting things done and getting things done effectively. Appreciate Life’s Simple Pleasures – The best things in life are free. From a quiet lakeside sunset to sleeping in on a rainy day, ...

Getting Things Done with iPhone
By Sutha(Sutha)
Experimenting with a different to-do list gave me a great excuse to start fresh with my task list and build a reasonably clean "Getting Things Done" setup. So here's my experience with getting a GTD solution up and working on iPhone. ...

BMA Is The New GTD
By MonkMojo
BMA isn't for everyone so have a look at these other systems: Charles Gilkey Mastering the ToDo List Brick Andrews Incrementalism.

To simplify, e-mail's not the boss of her
News & Observer - Raleigh,NC,USA
That leaves the rest of the day to concentrate on getting things done. "I try not to let it be a nuisance to me," he said. "If I'm expecting something, ...

No Turn-By-Turn Voice Navigation on my iPhone 4!

A friend of mine gave me a ride home recently.   We were not sure how to get from Point A to Point B so he fired up his iPhone 4S Maps App...