Friday, May 30, 2008

Be Part of a World Record!

Download Day The  Mozilla Corporation (a wholly-owned subsidiary of the non-profit Mozilla Foundation) is hoping to set the Guinness world record for the most software downloads in a 24 hour period.  This record breaking event is being planned to coincide with the release of version 3 of their Firefox browser.  The release date has not been set, but you can sign up to be part of  this record breaking event by pledging your participation in what is being called Download Day at

If you are not familiar with Firefox; Firefox is an open-source, free, Internet browser alternative to Microsoft's Internet Explorer.  Firefox is filled with far more features than Internet Explorer and the upcoming version 3 is considerably faster.  I am currently running a beta version of Firefox 3 and I love it!

So, pledge to participate in Download Day.  When the date is set, you will be informed via e-mail.  On Download Day, get yourself the fastest, most feature filled Internet Browser available.  ...and be part of a Guinness world record!

Technically, the Guinness world record does not yet exist.  Per;

Mozilla is trying for a record in a new category, according to a representative of the firm. That means it doesn't have an existing mark to better. The open source browser outfit aims to secure over 1.6m downloads over 24 hours.

But heck, world records need to start somewhere.  Be part of it!

Special THANKS to Kyle for the tip...

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

GTD and Life Hacking Around the World

The "Getting Things Done" and Life Hacking phenomenon is world-wide.  Following is a list of GTD and Life Hacking related blogs and web sites from around the globe. 




















If you know of other great GTD or Life Hacking sites from around the (non US) world to add to this list, please leave a comment.  Thanks!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

GTD Digest 2008-05-25

Weekly recap of GTD highlights (news, views, tips and tricks) from around the web

[8 Entries]

For those in the US, I hope you are getting a little R&R this holiday weekend!


Organize: It’s Your Civic Duty
New York Times - United States
Many of the bloggers idolized David Allen, a best-selling author whose “Getting Things Done” time-management system was described at as taking ...

Getting things done at home - Collection
Today I’m starting my renewed focus on David Allen’s Getting Things Done (GTD) system. In my review of the book Getting Things Done, I mentioned that I am using the system in a fashion, but I’ve wandered off the path a bit and I’m not ...

An Organizer Updates Her To-Do List
By Jeri Dansky(Jeri Dansky)
So now I have five simple text files on my desktop - some of which will be familiar to anyone familiar with David Allen's Getting Things Done. Goals & Values This reminds me of the big picture - what I want from my life. ...

Getting things done at home - Emptying the in tray
Now that we have a full to overflowing in tray it’s time to use Getting Things Done (GTD) to empty it. This is one part of the system that I get stuck at, which is strange because it is one of my favourite parts. ...

Free Mindjet MindManager Templates
By Celine
A GTD Map For the GTD fans out there. From random places on the web:. GTD Incompletion Trigger Lists; Creative Brief for Designers from DesignToSell. I think I’m gonna use this. Know of other MindManager templates I left out? ...

More Google Tricks + GTD
By SimonCarr
So how does this relate to GTD? What I can do now is funnel to-do items, thoughts, and notes, into my GMail account and automatically have them routed based on the e-mail address itself. So let’s say I had a shopping item, ...

On time management and GTD
By bgrier
If you’ve been been under a rock for the last few years then this reference to David Alan’s book, Getting Things Done and the Two Minute Rule applied to Processing will be meaningless. The following is for you (via Wikipedia): ...

Organize your workspace
By Danil Negrienko(Danil Negrienko)
Do files. Most files in your desktop - scattered text documents. Create a system and distribute them under the scheme.Divide home and work. Do not let your desktop on a personal disorder.Do not use your desk as a warehouse. ...


Friday, May 23, 2008

Open Outlook and Go Directly to Your Tasks

As noted a few weeks back, I had switched to Evernote for collecting and managing my to-do's.  Yesterday, I moved my task list back to Microsoft Outlook.  Why?  Managing two different places for my stuff was driving me crazy.  I needed one integrated place for my stuff, and since I spend most of my day in Outlook, it made best sense to move my tasks and quick notes from Evernote back to Microsoft Outlook.  For some insight into how I use Outlook to manage tasks, read the post titled "How I use Outlook Tasks - Keeping it simple".

What I will really miss with Evernote is that it was always resident in memory, always a mouse click away, always sitting there in my System Tray waiting for me.  I did come up with what seems to be a semi-workable alternative.  That being, a desktop icon that takes me directly to my Outlook tasks.  To create this icon, I created a shortcut on my desktop that points to "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\OUTLOOK.EXE" /select outlook:tasks.  Kind of kludgy, but workable.

If anyone has any better ideas for quick access to Outlook tasks, please let me know.  Thanks!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Recycling Computers & Accessories with help from Sam's Club

...or better stated; Adventures in Computer Recycling.

I'm not an environmentalist by any means, but heck, I'm always trying to do my part and recycle.  Here is my story...

About a year ago, I wanted to use an old flat screen monitor that I had lying around.  It was a nice 17" Dell flat screen.  Unfortunately, I was not sure which power cord it needed from my "box of power cords".  Yes, I have a box-full of power cords.  Needless to say, I chose the wrong one, plugged in my used-to-be nice 17" flat screen and  zzzzPPPFFFttttt - I fried it.  Ooops.

Oh well...  Not one to fret over things I cannot change, I decided to dispose of my used-to-be nice 17" flat screen monitor.  Off to the garage with it.  ...and there it sat for a year. 

The other day I decided to REALLY get rid of that monitor that is cluttering up my garage.  Luckily I had recently read that SAMS Club is partnering with another company to recycle computers and accessories.

SAMS Club has partnered with ecoNEW to launch an online recycling program on Through this site, members can trade in their older small- to medium-sized electronics for a gift card, the value of which is determined by a recycle trade-in value generator available on the aforementioned site.

OK, I'm willing to give it a try. ...and maybe even get a buck or two for my old, broken monitor?  So I try, fill out the online form and .... nothing.  I am simply taken to the SAMS Club home page.   ???

So I give it another try.  Same result.  OK - Apparently I need a login id to  I register for an id and try it again.  I go to, fill out the form about my recyclable equipment, login to and... nothing.  What the x%#?$@*1?

After a bit more trial and error, I found the trick...

Register and Login to, then click the link on the right called "Sam's Club Sustainability".


Next, click the "Learn More" link under the "It may pay to recycle your electronics" heading.


Lastly, follow the instructions on the next screen.  Worst case, Sam's Club and EcoNew will send you a pre-paid UPS label to ship your computer or accessories to recycle.  Best case, Sam's Club and EcoNew will send you a pre-paid UPS label to ship your computer or accessories to recycle AND they will pay you for the piece of equipment.  I did not get paid for my broken monitor.  - and I'm OK with that because I do not have to pay to recycle it (as is the norm elsewhere).


At a minimum, free shipping to recycle a broken monitor (or any piece of computer equipment for that matter) is a great deal!  Once Sam's Club refines their awkward website navigation issues, this is going to be a great way to recycle old computer equipment. 

Do you have a computer recycling tip?  Leave a comment and share!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

GTD Digest 2008-05-18

Weekly recap of GTD highlights (news, views, tips and tricks) from around the web

[6 Entries]

David Allen: And The Biggest Procrastinators Are...
By David Allen(
The David Allen Company is a professional training, coaching, and management consulting organization, based in Ojai, California. Its purpose is to enhance performance and improve the quality of life by providing the world's best ...

Getting Things Done with Index Cards
By ggee
In 2002, David Allen pushed a book called Getting Things Done. In this book he introduced his action management system, which you can read more about on wikipedia. While his system is useful to some, many found that they were modifying ...

Is Your To-Do List on Drugs?
By Christine Kane
In fact, many people tell themselves that they’re just not capable of Getting Things Done. Here’s my theory:. It’s not the people. It’s the list! Face it. Some lists just go bad. It starts with one hit, and just gets totally outta hand ...

GTD and Start-ups
By Doreen Hartzell
As promised, here’s your recap from the GTD and Start-ups session at Minnebar. View it full screen on Slideshare. If we missed anything important from the Q&A session, or there are other questions, please continue the conversation in ...

Pure GTD: not my Cup of Tea
By Bruce
But the exercise of trying pure GTD again was good for me nonetheless. And in the end, it reminded me that it makes no sense to abandon a system that works for you to experiment with one that does not. ...

How To Get Things Done With iGoogle
By Erik Folgate
Recently, I was challenged by one of my best friends to check out the theory of “Getting Things Done” by David Allen. I had heard of the concept before, but I had never really researched it until a couple of weeks ago. ...

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Getting Things Done - German Style

image From the "interesting, but not important file", I stumbled across this book recently and thought it had an interesting cover.  It's David Allen's book titled Getting Things Done; The German version.

You can find the book at Amazon.deHere is a link to the English translation from Microsoft's Live Translator site

Based on the comments posted on, the book seems to be quite popular!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

GTD Software Comparison

A training company called Priacta maintains a comprehensive list of GTD Software titles.  The list is up to date and currently compares 102 GTD Software applications.  The list details applications features, current release, cost and supported platform (MAC, PC, Handheld, etc).  Priacta specializes in coaching and training people and organizations on Time Management.  I have no experience with or ties to Priacta.  My only exposure to Priacta is their nicely kept-up-to-date GTD Software list.  So why does Priacta maintain a list of GTD Software?  Per their website;

Priacta provides time and task management coaching and training services for clients in a wide range of environments. We stay abreast of the latest software to support our clients and recommend tools that meet their specific needs in any situation. Because our Total, Relaxed Organization (TRO) system is a GTD extension, we research tools for all GTD-like systems.

If you have experience working with Priacta, I'd be interested in hearing from you.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

GTD Digest 2008-05-11

Weekly recap of GTD highlights (news, views, tips and tricks) from around the web

[7 Entries]

GTD mania
By Andy J. S.(Andy J. S.)
So this is where ‘Getting Things Done’ (GTD, in short) method can help you to sort out above kind of problems, GTD was first pioneered by David Allen with his GTD bible. Some of you, our dear Palm Addict (PA) readers might have known ...

Time-saving tips
Chicago Tribune - United States
•Allocate a couple of hours at the end of each week for a review to make sure you're on top of your tasks, said productivity expert David Allen. ...

GTD: Using technology to up productivity Part 1
By web
I’ve been trying to find a time management/ Getting Things Done system that fits my schedule and lifestyle without much success. Then I found OmniFocus. The software uses some of the philosophy of David Allen’s Getting Things Done, ...

GTD Apps Don’t “Just Work” For Everyone
By Chris Thomson
I don’t feel GTD applications should have a full interface. You have to remember, you’re wasting precious time setting up and using the application. An application that is supposed to help you “get things done” shouldn’t waste your time ...

Getting the most out of Backpack as a GTD ("Getting Things Done ...
By 37signals
Brett Kelly, a programmer from Southern California, writes The Cranking Widgets Blog, a personal productivity blog that focuses on David Allen's Getting Things Done. He recently published a post about why he loves Getting Things Done ...

Notes from David Allen ‘GTD” Getting Things Done Talk at Google
By The MCG Team
I watched David Allen speak at a Google Talk today. It actually was my first exposure to GTD. David Allen talks about the two keys to sustaining a healthy life and work style. I actually am now very interested in the book, ...

GTD: identifying your contexts
By dragos
You can - and, according to David Allen, you should - act with a “mind like water” regardless of your computer expertise. There are tons of paper-only implementations of GTD out there, and just because they are not based on our beloved ...

Friday, May 9, 2008

Free Grocery bonus at Kroger Stores

I recently wrote about a number of retailers offering bonuses in exchange for customer government stimulus checks.  The bonus for a typical stimulus check exchange was 10%.  Kroger has extended their stimulus check bonus to any gift card purchase.  That means; When you purchase a Kroger gift card between May 2 and July 31st you will receive an extra 10% added to the value of the card.  Buy a $300 gift card, you get a $330 gift card.  Buy a $600 gift card, you get a $660 gift card.  Buy a $1,200 gift card, you get a $1,320 gift card.

Kroger operates 2,400+ grocery retail stores in 31 US states under ~ 2 dozen banners.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Rage to Engage

image Time Magazine recently published a good article on engaging employees called The Rage to Engage.  The article speaks to how happier (and engaged) employees can have a positive effect on the bottom line.  Eye popping stats are quoted such as high engagement companies having operating margins that were 5.75 percentage points greater than those of low-engagement companies; or 3.44% higher net profit margins for high engagement companies.

What does it mean to engage employees?  To me, it means making employees know;

  • How their contributions effect the bottom line
  • How the projects they are working on align with the companies priorities
  • How their departments initiatives feed into the objectives of the Executive ranks

This simple understanding generates commitment.  Commitment in turn leads to a more fulfilling work experience (e.g. happy employees).  Which in the end has a direct and positive impact on the bottom line.

Even if this theory turns out all wrong, it's too easy to not at least try.  Make sure your employees are engaged by letting them know how their efforts align with your companies priorities.

Read The Rage to Engage for more on this topic.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

GTD Digest 2008-05-04

Weekly recap of GTD highlights (news, views, tips and tricks) from around the web

[4 Entries]

The 25 most difficult questions you’ll be asked on a job interview
By dk
Talk about your record of getting things done, and mention specifics from your resume or list of career accomplishments. Say that your skills and interests, combined with this history of getting results, make you valuable. ...

Getting Things Done by David Allen
By Serena(Serena)
when you're near a phone you should look in your "phone" context organizer section to see who to call Your brain thinks in the 'present'. If some obligation to do something pops into your mind (teach someone so they'll live forever, ...

Bright side #5: interesting GTD software, including for Mac
Atlantic Online - USA
I am a long-standing devotee of the David Allen "Getting Things Done" (GTD) approach to life, as I first described in this Atlantic article about him four ...

Manage Self, Not Time
By alanfurst
David Allen who wrote “Getting Things Done” uses a completely different system. He looks at anything with two or more tasks as project. Allen’s method is to keep you focused on the ‘next action’ in each one. It too is quite powerful. ...


Thursday, May 1, 2008

Clear your head and experience the power of a free mind!

One of the best things I have learned in my quest to "Get Things Done" is to free my mind.  That is; write down every thought, every idea, every to-do.  It's really not that hard and the payback is huge.  Here are my top 10 reasons for writing things down and keeping a free mind.

  1. A free mind can focus like a laser on the task at hand.
  2. A free mind allows you to sleep.  If you are up at night worrying about something, write it down.  I guarantee you will be able to sleep after that!  Trust me, this REALLY works!
  3. I don't forget things at the grocery store.  OK, sometimes I do, but it's only when I don't have them written down.
  4. Some ideas that I have are really bad.  Writing them down gives them an incubation period before I action them.  When it's time to action an idea, I often say "what the hell was I thinking" and simply cross that thought off my list.
  5. I don't forget stuff that I need to do during the day or ideas I need to pursue.  For me, most of my ideas and to-do's come to me in the  morning.  I write them down immediately so they are not forgotten.  I hate having the feeling of a great idea, but not remembering what it was.
  6. Important dates are all recorded in one simple place.  I keep an Outlook note with all my important dates recorded chronologically.  I never forget an important date (birthday, anniversary, etc) because I don't keep them in my head.
  7. I never forget to talk to my boss about something during our weekly General meetings.  I record all "talk to the boss" items in the same place, as they come to me.
  8. The less clutter I have in my head, the more room I have for new ideas.
  9. All my to-do items are written down, right in front of me.  I see the full picture of what I need to do before I choose what to do.
  10. ...and lastly, it gives me a good reason to shop for my next Molskine notebook!  You have to admit, Moleskine notebooks are quite cool.  :)

I encourage you all to free your mind.  It's a powerful feeling!

No Turn-By-Turn Voice Navigation on my iPhone 4!

A friend of mine gave me a ride home recently.   We were not sure how to get from Point A to Point B so he fired up his iPhone 4S Maps App...